Light of Yoga


Welcome to Light of Yoga


Next session starts September 16th

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What Is Integral Yoga® ?

Integral Yoga® is a synthesis of the various branches of Yoga. It is a comprehensive system for the harmonious development of every aspect of the individual. Here is a brief explanation of each of the branches of Integral Yoga.

Hatha Yoga
Focuses on the physical aspects through asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), mudras, kriyas, yogic diet, and deep relaxation.

Raja Yoga

Balance and control of the mind through ethical practices, concentration and meditation.

Bhakti Yoga
The path of devotion, by constant love, thought, and service of the Divine. Bhakti Yoga can be practiced by everyone. All that is needed is faith and constant remembrance of God.

Karma Yoga
The path of action and selfless service. Serving without attachment to the fruits (or results) of the action.

Jnana Yoga
The intellectual approach. Through the knowledge of what really exists, that is, what is not changeable, one who engages in the Path of Wisdom realizes Oneness with the entire Universe.

Japa Yoga
Japa means repetition of a mantram - a sound structure of one or more syllables which represents a particular aspect of the Divine Vibration.