May 15, 2004. Comments on the Revision


Keep in mind that this routine has been built to maximize the diet at 10 weeks, but it can certainly be used in other situations. The key theme here is higher reps than during off-season mass-building periods. However, this is not merely a routine for cutting. Rather it has been designed to maximize cutting while maintaining and perhaps even stimulating new growth, even with the deprivation of carbohydrates.


In this revision, I’ve added more 15-rep preferences, with a few exceptions, notably pullups (10) which still could be brought up to 15,  all rear delt exercises – typically 6-8 reps but now up to 10 reps…still looking for more mass here, and military press (10-12). I’ve changed calves to 20 reps as per Vince Gironda’s methods. I am still looking for more mass here as well, in spite of the high reps, and this provides a nice change from the Gironda 8x8s in the previous revision.


The arms and delt day is just too arduous for me on this diet. I feel too fatigued doing it. By the time I’m done delts, I’m not able to hit the arms hard enough… so… I’ve reversed the order. Arms are now first on Thursdays, and I removed a few delt exercises. Remember, delts are also hit on Saturdays during the FBW.


Finally, I added Good Mornings to leg/lower back day to keep the lower back strong.  These work the lower back in opposite fashion to hyper extensions which I do in conjunction with abs. In addition, I am also doing deadlifts on the alternate week, so lower back gets well worked in this routine. Although abs are not specifically mentioned in the routine, I actually do ab exercises at the end of every workout.


I’ve also added 45-60 minutes of cardio 3x week to accelerate the diet as I am now down to lower levels of BF. It’s slow long cardio, like bike riding, in order to burn fat and not burn muscle. I am reluctant to lower my caloric intake below current levels (average 1800/day for the 5 ketogenic days), and hence the added cardio.



Steve Holt's CKD Routine

Rev. 2

Period 2


3 Way Split, 4 Workouts per Week






Week 1

Week 2



Monday - Chest & Back

Monday - Chest & Back

DB Bench Press 3x15 / Pullups 3x10

Incl DB Press 3x15 / Pullups 3x10

DB Incl Press / DB Pullover / Seated Row 2x15

Hammer Chest / NG Rev BO Row / NG PD 2x15

Machine Flys / One Arm DB Row 3x15

Cable Cross 3x15


DB Shrugs 3x10-15



Tuesday-  Legs / Lower Back

Tuesday-  Legs / Lower Back

Squats 3x10-15

Deadlifts 3x8

Leg ext 4x15

Hack Squat OR Front Squat 3x12-15

Good Mornings 3x15

Leg Ext 4x15

Calves 5x20

Calves 5x20



Thursday - Arms & Delts

Thursday - Arms & Delts

Facedown Incl Curls / Lying DB Extension 3x15

EZ Bar Std Curls / Lying EZ Bar Ext 3x15

Prch Curl / Std OH DB Ext / UH Pressdown 2-3x15

Alt DB Incl. Curls / Stg  Ezbar OH / Rope PD 2-3x15

DB Lateral Raise 3x15

Military Press 3x10-12

BO Lying Rear Delt  3x8-10

BO Rear Delt 3x8-10

Alt DB Front Raise 3x15

EZ Bar Front Raise 3x15



Saturday - Full Body

Saturday - Full Body

Leg Press 3x12-15

Hack Squat 3x12-15

Leg Curl 1x15

Leg Curl 1x15

Seated Calf Raise 2x20

Seated Calf Raise 1x20

Standing Calf Raise 1x20

Standing Calf Raise 2x20

Incline BP - BB 3x15

Incline BP - DB 3x15

Seated Hi Row WG 3x15

Seated Low Row WG 3x15

Military Press 2x10-12

DB Shoulder Press 2x10-12

Machine Lat PD 1-2x15

Machine Lat PD 1-2x15

Bi / Tri Superset

Bi / Tri Superset




Saturday - Alt Sculpting FBW


Leg Ext 4x15


Leg Curl 1x15


Seated Calf Raise 1x20


Standing Calf Raise 2x20


Incline Cable Flyes 3x15


Facedown Incl. DB Row 3x15


Cable Side Laterals OR Cable Shoulder Press  2x10-12


Cable Rear Delts 2x10-12


Machine Lat Rear PD 1-2x15


Bi / Tri Superset

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